We are really blessed to be able to live in Corgi Country and have people that really love us and take good care of us! Some of the foster dogs that have come here have told us very sad stories, and we know that a lot of dogs don’t have a good place to live, so we thank God for Corgi Country and ask Him to take care of some of the other dogs out there that need good homes.
We are thankful for furiends that have people that love them and have provided good homes for them, and we are also thankful that so many of our friend’s people also find ways to help the animals that need it. Khyra helps transport dogs to their new forever homes, and so many others help to raise funds in so many different ways to help rescues and shelters.
We are thankful that we have been able to make so many new friends all over the world and learn about their interesting homes and cultures. It is so nice to be able to make friends with such loving and caring people!
We are thankful for the smiles and laughter that has come our way through reading our friend’s blogs.
We are thankful that when we’ve had problems, we’ve had furiends that have prayed for us and sent us good thoughts and wishes, and that have shared their problems and pain with us so that we could pray for them, too!
We are thankful that God loves us and our people, and that He has blessed us in so many ways throughout this past year!
We received a Kreativ Blogger Award from Classy Chassy over at Expressly Corgiawhile back, and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get this post put together. It took me a while to find friends that didn't already have it... we have so MANY creative friends!!! We DO want to thank you so very much, Monica, for honoring us with this award.
December 21, 2008 was the day we first posted a Corgi Country Blog and we had 2 comments… one from Betty from A Corgi in Southern California , and one from Dozer and Cooper. Monica (Classy Chassy) found us and made her first comment on March 10th, and Mango the next day. These special friends along with Sasha and her Mommy, and Khyra kept us going in the beginning when we didn’t know much about what we were doing. We’ve gotten so many friends now from all over the world, and are so happy to have found this window into the big world to make friends!
And here are the "official" rules of the Kreativ Blogger Award: 1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award. 2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog. 3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award. 4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know. 5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Blogs. 6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate. 7. Leave a comment on each.
Mmmm… 7 things people don’t know about us… Gee, is that 7 things about each of us that write this blog? That could get pretty long… but then, we’ve probably told you most everything about us. I think we will do one each about us adult corgis (Sadie –hissed- doesn’t count!!) and then some about Mom because she tends to try to stay way behind the scenes.
1. Let’s see, you already know that I’m OC, which stands for Ornery Cuss, and that I am 10 ½ years old and have a bad back and hips from getting butted by a mean goat about 5 years ago. I have mentioned to a few of my friends that I used to have a feline uncle that I loved very much when I was a young pup. His name was JR, and when I was a little pup, I would run up to him and he would sit up and bat both sides of my face really quick back and forth, but he never used his claws. He would lick my face and I would lick his, too. He thought he was a dog, and drooled like one. I normally DON’T DO CATS, but JR was my special friend.
2. BG: Mama OC is my mom, but I did have a home for a while when I was 8 weeks old until the age of 6 months, when I came back to stay here with my Dad. That’s why I love little kids… because I lived with some when I was young. Mom says that it is because I was “socialized” at an early age that I do so well when out in public as her Helper Dog.
3. Dott: Gee… I’ve been on camera since I was born! You probably know ALL about me! Oh! Maybe you don’t know that I am afraid of the dark! I HATE the dark and Auntie Sadie has to go with me whenever I have to go outside to go potty at night. My dad also has put a night light in our room and in the back patio so that I will at least have a little light when I go out back. Mom thinks something tried to get me when I was young and Sadie chased whatever it was off. I think that is what makes me so nervous when the pups want to go out at night, so I always go with them.
4. Mom says that God blessed her with a wonderful husband and 6 great children, 1 girl and 5 boys. She has 14 grandchildren, 8 girls and 6 boys, and they are scattered over the US… FL, TX, & CA. She also had several other foster boys that she cared for at home and a couple of VERY SPECIAL Severely Handicapped special ed. children that she worked with for 6+ years in a row as they aren’t moved from class to class.
5. She is an artist that works in graphite (pencil), pastel chalk and pencils, and has done a couple of wall size murals in acrylic paint. She is also a poet with some published work, and has written a few praise songs. Both her Mama and her Daddy were VERY creative and encouraged her in this area. Her Father did murals on all of the walls of the back yard, garage, and chicken pens, and her Mama made all kinds of crafts to sell to help supplement our income because her Daddy passed away when she was only 17. This is the center of an 11 ft. rainforest wall mural...
6. Mom worked for a few years in a place called the Upper Room Drug and Crisis Center in San Jose while attending Bible College there in the early 70’s. They had a hotline, and Coffee House, and a Women’s Crisis House. This was later taken over by Teen Challenge in that area.
7. Mom’s loved horses since she was a tiny baby. Her Mama told her that she used to cry when she was only a year old whenever she would see a horse because she wanted to sit on it! God & her Daddy blessed her with her first horse on her 11th Birthday, and she’s had horses 38 years out of the 57 she’s been alive. Her Daddy taught her a lot of what she knows, and also taught her to ask old timers that have years of wisdom when she needed help, and/or to look for knowledge in books. “You never stop learning if you’re smart!” Many of our horses have been rescue horses and it’s been her great pleasure to see them come from what they were when she got them to the happy, healthy horses that lived out their lives in good homes… most of them with us.
I think that most of our long time friends have already had this award given to them at one time or another, so I’ll try not to double up by giving it to some of our newer friends that also deserve it… If you HAVE had it and I nominate you, let me know and I’ll try to send it to someone else, OK?
1. The Adventures of Max Dog in South Africa is a great new blog that Mango introduced us to when he took a trip that was hosted by Max. They not only share their lives, but also their beautiful country and culture in their blog. 2. Dances With Corgis has several creative features like recipes and health ideas. 3. PenPets, Leslie's blog shows just how creative a lady she is, and showcases some wonderful pen and ink pet portraits that she does. If you love animal art, check out her posts! 4. My Favorite People Are DogsCooper has just had news of his new fatherhood… That’s pretty “Kreative” don’t you think! Should be some cute puppy pics on here soon! 5. Cathy Santarsiero – The Christmas CorgiAnybody who has seen any of Cathy’s work knows just how Kreative she is. Her fanciful corgi paintings are all just adorable! 6. Amusing Margaret This isn’t a dog Blogger, but she is truly a wonderful poet and very Kreative. She finds such beautiful pictures to illustrate her poetry too, and I really enjoy her blog. I believe that this blog is a fairly new one, but it’s very interesting to me. 7. Jan Mader’s Ignite to Write blog is one of the most Kreative blogs I know and one of the neatest things about it is that she helps others to be creative too!
All of these wonderful blogging friends deserve this award for sharing their Kreativ-ness with us!
Auntie Sadie loves to play with the pups, and they with her, but after that big blowup, it’s still a bit tense around here.
Mama OC’s eye is fine now, but she’s still holding that grudge against Sadie. Mom says OC has an elephant’s memory. We watch them pretty closely and usually BG or I, or both of us will get between them if they start to fuss at each other.
Mama OC doesn’t like the pups to bump into her or crawl on her, so she just makes sure they keep their distance altogether.
BG and I will play with them a lot of times, but if they get to “nippy,” we will warn them with growls or snaps (not getting them… just scaring them.)
Grammy tells us that is just what Sadie is doing, too when they bite her, but whenever SHE does it, Mama OC takes it as a TERRIBLE AFFRONT and gets into Sadie’s face about it.
I kind of know how Mama feels, because I tend to get a bit huffy, too, with Sadie when SHE has the nerve to discipline MY kids!
The Director, Gracie’s new Mom, sent me some pictures and an update on my daughter.
Remember that she’d said that they had taken several pictures of her playing with the kids and Cooper, and that she loved her new Dad?
Well, as you can see, she sent them. I asked her if she minded my sharing her updates. She said she had no problem with that, so whenever I hear from her, I will share the news with you.
The next email we got from her said: Hi Linda (She writes them to Grammy), just wanted to let you know how happy we are with Gracie. Her name fits her, Racy Gracie. We took her camping with our other dog Cooper. They had so much fun playing on the beach. She is doing great. Thank you again for the addition to our family. She fits in perfectly.
Then, we got the following email today: My Daughter (that was the lady in brown on the video) took some cute pictures at the beach this weekend so I will have her send you a couple of them. (She did, as you can see… looks like that left ear might be starting to go up.)
. She is the hit of the shelter. She barks when she wants to go potty, and is learning manners very quickly. She sits on command now, and she also looks very cute in her pink sweatshirt. We love her dearly. Thank you again for giving us another family member.
You don’t know how good it feels to know that one of your babies is safe in a home that cares so much for her and is willing to keep in contact to keep us all updated. It really makes Grammy, Papa and Robert, Grace’s GrandPaw, happy, too.
I want to thank all of you for you good thoughts and well-wishes for my foot. It is still sore… especially when I forget and jump down from my recliner or the back of the couch -- like when the UPS van drives up or Papa comes home. I hope that it heals soon!
The Pups were 11 weeks old yesterday and they got their second puppy shots. They weren’t particularly happy about it, poor babies. One of Gimli’s ears is up more than not now, and I’m sure the other one will follow suit fairly quickly.
They both pop up whenever he looks up even a little bit and the one will stay sometimes when he looks down now. He weighs 14 lbs.
Mercy’s ear is up about 99% of the time, with just the tip of her left ear flopping a bit… especially when they start wrestling and someone grabs it.
Grammy HATES that and keeps praying that they don’t break each other’s ears and gets after them if she sees them pulling on them. Mercy weighs 11 lbs. now.
Pippin and Papa are getting very close. He is starting to sleep in my old spot between Papa and Grammy’s lower back. I’ve been going in and staying with my Master at night because I get more rest without the puppies crawling all over me. (He’s got a heater in his room and it’s been getting a lot cooler around here lately) Pippin is at 10 lbs.
Pip’s Uncle BG is starting to accept all of the babies, and especially Pippin. We’ve even seen him playing with them when he thinks no one is watching. I think Grammy’s been stalking him, trying to get a picture of them playing.
Sadie took a road trip on Saturday, and WE didn't get to go! Actually, from what she told me when she got back, I'm kind of glad we didn't!
She wasn’t to sure what was going on when they called her to go out and get in the car as she’s only gone in the car maybe two times since she came here.
She told me that she was kind of scared and laid very quietly in the back seat on the drive to the park where they were having the county Rabies Clinic.
She also hasn’t been on a leash much since she doesn’t go anywhere, and she was pretty nervous about that. She said she was afraid that they were going to give her away or something. She tried to be really good and quiet, and didn’t even bark or anything when she saw the few other dogs that were there.
Mom and Dad had gone toward the end of the clinic times so that there wouldn’t be very many dogs there. She says they took her over to a lady by a table and then the lady BIT HER IN THE BUTT!
Mom was so mad because the camera decided to freeze up at that point because the batteries ran out. She’d asked Robert to put in new ones and he’d gotten sidetracked… Anyway, they let Sadie sniff around because she'd been so good and she even got a little grass snack. THEY ACTUALLY HAD GRASS!!!
When they got home, Robert showed them the new obstacle that he had made for Dott.
She really loves her lookout and being up so high.
On the way down, though, she jumped off and for some reason her toenail got caught on something and flipped her. It split the toenail in half from the end of it all the way to the toe.
Mom had just trimmed all of our toenails last week and none of us could figure out what could have happened. Poor Dott! They had to cut it off almost at the toe line and had a really hard time getting it to quit bleeding. Robert was so upset that she’d gotten hurt…
There hasn’t been any heat or swelling, but she is still limping on it. That isn't swelling in the picture, it is the white vet wrap, and that was when it still hadn't stopped bleeding all the way.
We figure that she must have twisted it and injured a tendon or even gotten a bone crack, but the vet said there really wouldn’t be anything they could do… just like when a person cracks a toe. If it’s not broken badly, it just has to take the time to heal.
Here are the horses of Corgi Country. We've had Cory since he was a little over 3 years old, and Tuffy is my son's AQHA Palomino gelding. He is trained to do both western and dressage work, though he is no longer shown.
Below them is our Border Collie, Sadie...
Coronado King
Cory, my 26 yr. old Peruvian Gelding
Tuff is an AQHA 26 yr. old Palomino
Auntie Sadie (aka Shady Sadie Lady)
Sadie is our black Border Collie. She is a big help to Grammy around the house and property...
Country Corgi Blog:
I am Little Dott, and am now in charge of this blog. Brother BG and I, with my corgi kids, Gimli, Mercy and Pippin share about our life here in Corgi Country. This is where the Corgis tell the Stories! Go to CafePress or Zazzle and search “Country Corgis” to find gifts, etc. featuring us and our parents...
Proverbs – A Bible Study and A Country Grammy’s Walk With God blogs:
Grammy has 6 kids and 16 grandkids. She worked for 18 years with severely handicapped children, but is retired now, and writes a blog to share God’s wisdom as written by the Bible in Proverbs, as well as a blog that shares the things that God is showing her. She draws in pastels and graphite, and has her own a storefront at: http://www.cafepress.com/GrammysCorgiCountry.
She and Papa have 5 acres in a VERY rural setting. The closest town is a couple of miles away and our nearest neighbor is about a quarter of a mile away on one side with no homes on the other three sides for MANY miles. We are surrounded by BLM land which makes it really nice and quiet. We get to listen to, and watch, many kinds of wild critters.
Dog Health Problems has a Blog Award Page that they have kindly decided to feature us on. Isn't that cool! You can find us featured here: Blog Awards
They have a great site that gives information on Dog Health Problems here:
Dog Health Problems