Dott went into hard labor around 3 a.m. and decided to follow in her Grandma Mist and her Mama OC’s footsteps and have them on Mom’s bed, so Dad moved out to the Living Room recliner. She started pushing about a quarter to 5 this morning. She had her first little guy at 5:23 a.m. He looks like he will be a black-tri color at this point, but my baby pictures look pretty dark and I ended up being a red-headed tri as you all know.
The second baby was a little girl, though she isn’t so little, and she was born breach. She is doing well, and Mom got her head cleared and nose cleaned very quickly. She will probably be a red, though she is sort of sable colored at the moment. She was born at 5:48 a.m. She looks like she has an angel on the back of her neck. Robert says we will probably call her Mercy.
The third pup was another boy, also born breach. Mom got his head cleared and nose cleaned quickly as well. He is sort of the same color as his sister only a lighter shade, but he only has a white half collar. He was born at 7:05 a.m.
The last one, we hope and are pretty sure, was just born at 8 a.m. She is a BIG girl, and was born properly, but still in the sack and was sort of bluish for about a half a minute or so. Mom got her face out and cleaned up quickly. She gurgled a bit for a few and we think she inhaled some of the fluids from the sack but pinked up nicely fairly quickly, and is nursing away happily now.
Dott is exhausted and ready for a nap. She has done a wonderful job cleaning them and nursing them. After being up all day yesterday, all night and so far today, I think Mom is ready for a nap too!
Grand-paw Robert will check on Dott off and on while Mom naps, but there shouldn’t be any problems at this point. She passed all the afterbirths just fine, too, so that won’t cause any problems for her later. All in all, I think my Dotter will be a Great little mother to my grandpups! Do you believe I am GLOWING with happiness?!
Thanks to all who have been sending good wishes and prayers her way!!!OC
Mom and pups appear to be doing OK, right? How exciting!
¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
(¸.*´ (¸.*´* CONGRATULATIONS *
I can't wait to watch them grow up!!!!
Thank heavens that it's over and all is well.
So happy for you all~
Dott looks so little, and calm. What a good mommy she will be! The pups look precious as can be.
I'm thinking a new book is in order, don't you?
Congratulations - we are so happy to hear of the safe arrival of the puppies.
Well done Dottie!!!!!
congrats to all!! adorable!! I can't wait to see more and more pictures as you have time and watch them grow! (I'd take one in a heart beat if we could have an extra dog and if we had room for it)
Congratulations Dott is a Mommy!!! I am so excited I am running in circles while Mommy types this. Yahoo the puppies are here!! Mommy will keep praying that everyone is doing fine. I hope you can all rest now. Dott we are so proud of you.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
We are working on getting khaught up (only 147 to go)
What a great news to see!
Great job Dott!!!!!
Prayers (and paws) for Mama and pups!!
Oh - how cute! Congrats to all, and hope everything keeps on going smoothly for her! I've remembered to vote for her nearly every day for Cutest Dog - do you think she will win???
w00fs, ahhhh sweet puppies....
b safe,
What a good mom Dott is! What a great looking, manageable-sized litter! How nice that she could do it all by herself!! Frenchies need AI and must be born C-section, so that a natural birth like that is amazing to us!
Michelle & Brutus the Frenchie
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