OC’s Mom: I'd appreciate your prayers as OC and Sadie got in a fight around 5 p.m. this evening. It was a total misunderstanding... BG was on Hubby's chair and when he got home, BG went to jump off to go greet him. Sadie was laying in front of it and it rocked down on her tail as Pip walked by. Sadie thought he’d bit her (the pups tend to bite her tail sometimes) so she snapped at him, scaring him and he squalled. OC and Dott attacked Sadie and she fought back. BG jumped in to protect OC.
Sadie got OC in the top of the eyelid and edge of it (like where those little hairs come out toward the top center) Just above the top of the cornea is scratched and the lower eyelid is swollen and red. There was some bleeding, but we got it stopped and have had ice packs off and on it to keep cool but not freeze. We used some eye drops that Hubbby got for a scratched cornea about a month or so ago.

The vet says if it gives problems, bring her in tomorrow since it happened about the time the office closes and it is an hour’s drive to get there. She's quit rubbing it... we sort of insisted... and the drops deaden some and the ice some more...

Robert had to pick up Sadie while I got OC by the scruff. Dott pulled out a mouthful of Sadie's hair as Robert carried her outside. We put Sadie outside in the front yard, and Dott in a time out in the pup's room for a while to get her to calm down some. BG got a scratch on his nose. The Corgis are all still up at arms whenever we even say Sadie's name. We tried to bring her in, but they had a FIT!!! We were finally able to bring her in a couple hours later.
OC got a bit shocky after the adrenaline wore off and was shaking quite badly, but we wrapped her in blankets and I held her and rocked her until she calmed down. She slept for several hours and I just took her out so she could go potty, then gave her some baby aspirin (per dr.), and put ice on her eye again for about 20 minutes and Robert took her and put her in the bed.

She came back out to lay beside me and I’ve covered her, as you can see. The red you see is from the inner part of the lower lid's swelling... I'm going to go to bed early to see if she will go in with me and stay in the bed. Anyway, if you could keep OC's eye in prayer that there aren't any complications, I'd appreciate it. We will post updates later. Thank you...