Grammy came home last night about 8 p.m. We were SOOOOO HAPPY!!! Papa got a call on the phone, and then he put me and Dott into the Living Room and went to bed because he was sick. We thought there MUST be some kind of mistake, but then we heard Robert (Dott’s Dad) drive up in the truck.
We were glad about that, but then, he came in and let Dott out to go to the truck, and a few minutes later, GRAMMY CAME THROUGH THE DOOR!!!! I was just SOOO HAPPY!!! She came in and went to sit down in the big recliner and Robert picked me up and put me in her lap. I kissed her and kissed her, all the while telling her that she shouldn’t scare me like that and just leave and not come back!
After a bit, Robert let in the others, and they all told Grammy how glad they were that she was home, too!
She said she was so sorry and hadn’t meant to not come back after Bible Study, but that she’d gotten sick and ended up in the hospital in a lot of pain. They ran tests and a CT Scan and said that she had and enlarged and enflamed Appendix and needed surgery. She sat in the Emergency room for a LONG time, because they weren’t sure they were going to do it right away or wait until morning.
They finally decided to wait and admitted her into a room and ran a bunch more tests. They scheduled the surgery for Tuesday morning, and the family and church were called and everyone started praying. The doctor got held up doing a bunch more surgeries, and Grammy seemed to be getting better. She wasn’t crazy about that doctor anyway, so asked for another one.
He didn’t come in until Tuesday evening quite late, and since she didn’t seem to be getting any worse (from tests, etc.) and the pain was going away, he decided to just wait and see how she did overnight, and gave her a little bit of broth and tea. She hadn’t eaten in about 30 hours because they weren’t sure about doing the surgery, so she told me she was happy about THAT!
They redid a bunch of the tests (She says it’s a wonder she’s got any blood left) and the doctor said that maybe they’d made some kind of mistake, since he’d never seen appendicitis get better like that. Grammy says she thinks it was everybody’s prayers for her, and she told him that!
He decided to let her eat regular food for today, and when she got all better by this afternoon, and the tests all came out fine, he let her come HOME!!!
She says that she thinks it was a miracle, and that God healed her, and she wants to thank everyone for their prayers for her. She’s supposed to go have a check up next week, but for now, SHE’S HOME!!!!
She’s sorry about the Miss Mercy Monday Mystery, as she THOUGHT that she had scheduled the post so that it would have posted Monday afternoon, and she had taken off the comments and made them be moderated so they wouldn’t show for the 24 hour answer period. She’s going to do that on MMMM days from now on, but put it back afterwards. She was happy that Dott and Robert had posted so that you all would know what was going on.