It isn’t FAIR !!! The other day, a couple of those huge old horses came over to the gate when Mom was going out to feed them. When she opened the gate, they started crowding and she told them to get back, so I went past her and bit Tuffy on the pastern (ankle to those who don’t know horse’s parts). Sadie did the same thing, but Mom yelled at ME!!! THEN, she chewed me out for going out of the gate, when I was just protecting HER!!!

She said that I scared her because she is afraid I can’t move fast like I used to so that I can’t stay out of their way if they did kick at me. She used to let me herd those old goats around all the time, and she lets Sadie and BG move the horses. 
Now, it’s true that Tuffy is a lot taller than even Mom, and I may not be able to move real fast anymore, but I’ll bet I could handle him and Dancer if she would let me try!!! Two of those horses are old and slow anyway, and they don’t really kick AT you…. just sort of toward you if you nip at them too much…
Of course, they get mad at Sadie because she will bite them if they don’t do what she says WHEN she says it. The young, wild one (Dancer) MIGHT be a bit much to handle, but I could at least TRY!! I could probably do it… Mom says that’s the Napoleon complex that corgis have that makes me tell her that…. Hurrump!!!
NOW, she won’t let me go out of the gate until the two horses are in their corrals. She trusts old Cory. She doesn’t let Dott out either because she tends to do like I do and take shortcuts underneath them. We get to go out and run in the pastures once they are in their pens though, so that is fun.