She calmed down a bit and told me to stay there, then mumbled something about getting the camera because no one would believe it. I just wanted to get my rabbit head and go outside, but she had Dad keep watch until she took (or tried to take) pictures using that new camera that is supposed to have a light... but she couldn’t get it to work. She finally found a flashlight and tried that way. She told me to take it outside, but after her first reaction, I didn't think I should go near it.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Just a Little Snack…
She calmed down a bit and told me to stay there, then mumbled something about getting the camera because no one would believe it. I just wanted to get my rabbit head and go outside, but she had Dad keep watch until she took (or tried to take) pictures using that new camera that is supposed to have a light... but she couldn’t get it to work. She finally found a flashlight and tried that way. She told me to take it outside, but after her first reaction, I didn't think I should go near it.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
“Top 10 Blogs that Make My Heart Smile” Award/s

2.Put a link to the person who sent you the award
1. Check out the relentlessly HUGE Mango and his family’s adventures
2. Cathy Santarsiero and The Christmas Corgi… Her corgi artwork will crack you UP!!!
3. The life and times of Dozer, Cooper and Dottie ... Quite an interesting mix of personalities!
4. My Favorite People Are Dogs ... Life with Cooper and Carly, the Cooper Creek Cardigans (Just won Dott's hunting award)
5. Infrared Goggles photography and Corgi Puppy Teggy
6.Travis: A Dog Like No Other – blog of an Australian Dog with TONS of friends and contests (He looks a lot like BG in his pics, but he is really big in reality)
7. Coco the Princess Blog -Teacup Chihuahua and her sisters. They host the Friday Diva Contest
8. The famous (or imaginative) Diego Dog : Another BIG little dog!
9. Khyra the Siberian Husky’s blog- Friend to all and has very interesting misc. info as well!
10. Benny’s Big Beautiful Blog: This Corgi just moved to California from Singapore. His people do Canine Massage Therapy
Congratulations to all who won!!! Dott, give them all "a hand!"
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Award for Cooper…
Today’s award is for Cooper (who IS a Corgi... a cardigan) from “My Favorite People Are Dogs Blog.”
Since, apparently, he is new at this, I did go ahead and give him some adivce in his comment section. You can check if you are interested.
I know that we have read about a few other hunting dogs out there over the past month or so, like BG, who thinks HE should get this award too, but Mom says we can't give someone on our own blog an award as it's a "con-flicked of in-tourists." Anyway, if you have an “I got ‘em... hunting post," let me know and I will post an award for you too!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
Proud to be the American Pembroke Welsh Corgis of Corgi Country! OC, BG & Dott
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Dott's Godiva Diva Contest Entry for this week...

In the morning, after Master gets up, I go in and go to sleep with Grammy (she works online until 2-3 a.m. so she sleeps in more than he does)
I like to do things MY way. I enjoy hunting… I figure if the lady that ran for Vice President can hunt, then so can I!
And have a special spot on top of the couch where I can keep watch out of the window.
I go with Master down to get the mail,
and tell those neighbor dogs that they’d best not fuss with ME!!!
If I come and beg while Grammy is working,
and put my cold nose on her elbow enough, she always gives me treats.
When it’s time for bed, Master fixes up my own special bowl EVERY NIGHT with my crunchies on the bottom, covered by shredded cheese and then puts a smiley face of bits of my favorite dog jerky treats on top. I go and kiss Papa goodnight, then go to Grammy and kiss her goodnight (and get a jerky treat from her) and then follow Master and my special bowl into the bedroom. There is a door made just for me so that I am the only one that can get into his room.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Mom’s Back on That “Diet” kick Again…
Dott, especially,

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Miserably HOT!!!
It has been miserably hot here! Auntie Sadie told us that while we are all at the beach and nice and cool, she was sweltering in over 100 degreen heat. I know that the heat has sucked all the green out of anything on the ground, so I guess that’s what she’s talking about. Poor Auntie… she hardly ever gets to go anywhere.

Today I had a horrendous experience! I’ve been begging Master to take me on a “water run” with him for a long time… he has to go each day to haul water in big barrels in the truck until we can get our waterline fixed—I think BG might have mentioned that before.