Tuesday, June 30, 2009
ABUSE!!! and 100th Post!
Friday, June 26, 2009
It was a Trick... We Hope!
Since OWAS has been disbanded, I’ll just catch you up on what is going on here with our Corgi Country Squirrel Wars.

They’ve chewed holes in the panels we put over the window into the hay room so that they can get in to eat on our hay and the horse’s grain until we put THAT in big trash cans with lids.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
New Intel, but No Tank…
OWAS Report by OC:

Official OWAS Report Concluded… OC
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Quick Saturday Report... More Later!
OC's Report:
We got an intelligence report from a courier that was shot at and damaged by the squirrels.
Full report later... OC Out!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Mighty Hunter Award to Kinsey...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
100 Dog Years War
Dott is very busy perfecting her liver treat formula. She field tested it on Mango, with his permission, as a WMD, though she hasn't told anyone her exact formula. She is trying to work out how to allow for the more compact members of OWAS, like myself, to produce enough gas to be an effective weapon. We will distribute it as soon as this happens, and may be sending out test samples to test potency among differing breeds. Consider this TOP SECRET, so only those directly involved in the testing will know the truth. (Hope their masters will be tolerant!)
While the rest of us get a little R & R, I thought I would catch you up on the history of our family’s 100 Dog Year War with the squirrels. Our battle started way back, in the days of cat –i– pults and tre-bow-shays, with Grandpa Buddy and Grandma Misty manning the huge “feline” flinging machines. As they had not yet mastered photography, here is a period drawing of one of their battles. You can even see JR, the cat that thought he was a dog. He loved OC as a grand-daughter and taught her a lot when she was a pup.
Time moved on, and they mastered new technology. First, gun powder, then the combustion engine, and finally the thing that all dogs have dreamed of for millennia... FLIGHT! This was perfected around OC’s prime and here we have a photo of OC in her old fighter... notice the string of squirrels on her plane. Even at that time, she was an ace pilot.
The Dog years rolled on, like they were putting on a new perfume. We got a brave and powerful ally, when Sadie joined the ranks. She had special training in tooth to claw fighting from her youth living by herself in the wild, and her coat made her the perfect Covert Ops member.
As you may know, there has always been tension between the Air Force and Covert Ops... one likes to make a big show of the battle and fly to the rescue, while the other likes to keep things on the "down low," and make precision strikes in the heart of enemy territory. This may be a part of what fuels Mama OC’s dislike of Sadie?
The fierce battle raged on. The squirrels kept trying to take us down and our grandparents pushed back. Our Grandma Mist took her trip across the Rainbow Bridge before we were born, but Grandpa Bud told us she was a fighter to the end. This is what we were born into... this life long battle with the squirrels. Our Grandpa Bud put us through our paces from the time we were old enough to walk.
So we grew up primed and ready for action. The battle was hard fought and I think it finally got the best of Grandpa Bud. He took his trip across the Rainbow Bridge, but we bravely fought on, now with Mama OC leading us. The main problem was funding. We had to make do with what we had, even modifying other machines into our weapons of war. Notice the modifications to this old tractor...
This type of ingenuity is what earned us the title of “The C-Team.” We did what we could, until Dott stumbled upon Commander Tank’s mighty effort. We joined as quickly as possible, for the support, and as we were already running low on supplies, and we LOVE having the new technology!
Well that about raps things up… Oh yeah, I almost forgot, because Doug is here we thought we could use him in the fight. I even gave him a special bullet RESISTANT vest.