We just looked through our old posts and realized that we never shared our trip to the Old Bear Bed and Breakfast! We mentioned that we were going, but then things came up when we got back, like that tongue contest, and we never got to share our pictures and the fun we had on Grammy and Papa’s anniversary trip.
We were so excited when Grammy talked to the lady and found out that they accepted dogs and that THREE of us could go! We got all packed up and drove for about an hour and got way up in the mountains! There were so many trees to smell that we could hardly wait to get out of the car!

Finally, we got there and met David and their two dogs, Heidi, a beautiful husky/shepherd mix, and … (Hmmm...I can’t remember…) a Dalmatian mix.
Papa and Grammy talked to David for a while, and then he showed Papa up to our room, while Grammy got Grandma OC and us out and into their backyard so we could play and sniff around.
There were squirrels in the big trees, and a really strange smell that we learned later was a big black bear that had rummaged through their trashcans the day before!
We had a lot of fun running around in their yard, and checking out their place, including their outdoor spa. David came out and talked with Grammy and Papa while we ran and played.
After a while, we went up to the room, where Papa had taken our bags. It was called the Cowboy Room and had a Western theme. Maxine, the lady of the house, is very artistic and has done a beautiful job of decorating the whole house. Grammy was truly enchanted!
Grammy had brought one of our quilts to put on OUR side of the big bed so that we could lay up there without getting hair on their beautiful quilts. We shared the big bed with Papa, while Grammy used the smaller bed.
We relaxed there for a while, and then got in the car and drove a few blocks away to a restaurant, where Grammy and Papa had a really good dinner. They even brought us out some pieces of steak!
Another couple came in and they had two dogs with them, too. One was named Colonel Mustard and he was a big pit/mastiff mix from the looks of him, and his sister was a tiny little Yorkie! Colonel Mustard was also a helper dog and would fetch things for his master and open and close doors, too. Grammy didn’t get any pictures of them, though.
Later, a couple from France came in, and we met them in the morning. The lady spoke mostly French, but she was a retired nurse for severely handicapped children, so Grammy and her had something in common, and Grammy enjoyed talking to her. Grammy really loves the homey feeling of a Bed and Breakfast that has friendly people running it!
We went back to the B&B and had OUR dinner and then went to bed. The next morning, we got up and Grammy took us outside for a potty trip. We played for a little bit with the dog toys that they have out there for their guest’s dogs. I really TOLD their squirrel toy!
Then we went back in and got Papa up and he came out and played with us for a bit.
After that, they went into the dining room and had a wonderful breakfast. It sure SMELLED good!!! Grammy told us that the lady had made a wonderful Omelet casserole with ham and cheese, onions, and bell pepper.
There were Toasted English Muffins, Fried Hash Browns, and a WONDERFUL compote (Grammy called it) with a flaky crust on the bottom, a layer of warm peach jam, fresh fruit and then yogurt on the top. Grammy thought it was “heavenly!” (They had asked the night before about allergies, likes and dislikes, etc.) Grandma OC got to go into the dining room with them.
It was really cute the way that Heidi followed her Mom around and had eyes only for her!
We enjoyed ourselves SO MUCH!!! Lots of people come up there from all over Southern and Central California and now we know why! It’s wonderful there, the people are so friendly, and best of all, WE get to go, too! Grammy says they want to go again sometime soon!!!