We thought that it had been a hectic ride up to that point, but then came WEDNESDAY!!! We had a “long way to go and a short time to get there…” so Papa got up very early, and took off again, while Grammy tried to get a little more sleep in her rolling, pitching bed.

During the nights, Pippin slept in the top bunk with Papa, while I slept between the wall and Grammy’s back. If Grandma OC hadn’t been at Mango’s Mansion, she would have slept between Grammy’s feet, and Unca BG slept on a quilt on top of the fridge area where Pippin rides during the day.

Anyway, on Wednesday, we drove through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and into Lake City, Florida
You pups had it easy compared to your poor Papa! What a grueling trip! That's a lot of miles to cover in such a short amount of time. That storm sounded awful.
So glad that you made the trip, but even more so...thankful you're home safe and sound. Bet all were glad to see each other again.
What a trip!
Mmmm Cracker Barrel! Haha.
you guys sure do look comfy on your bunks!
woah you certainly experienced some intensive thrills
Wow, thank you for part two. I've been waiting for it. As much as I was enjoying learning about new things and your personal adventures (minus squirrel hunting), I got a bit lost when you mentioned the ham biscuits.Yum. So, we're staying tuned, right? :)
wow over 800 miles driving in one day! I can see why your papa would have been tired; that is a lot for anyone to do! that storm looked like a terrible one; so thankful you guys were all okay and didn't get hit or hit anyone in it. I bet you were so glad to finally see Florida and get that load done, Linda; probably a relief for the two of you!!
What a very exciting and scary journey you had Gimli!!
What a storm!
And oh yes: furry furry lukhky to have stopped in time!
Tank woo fur sharing your journey!
PeeEssWoo: My word is PULLISH
What a harrowing adventure! We are so glad you are safe! Driving can be so scary sometimes.
I just watched the COrgi Toss videos and they were awesome. I had already seen the winners but I was still on the edge of my seat. I considered following your method but I don't think Moose would have been so cooperative!
Great job!
We were exhausted just reading all of that, though we really perked up at Cracker Barrel - Mmmmmmm.
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by at my blog! That is a lot of driving you guys do!!! And you are with your dad all the time - did I get that right? WOW! That sounds like fun.
Slobbers Master Teal'c.
PS: in case my parents ever rescue another dog his name will be Colonel Jack O'Neil :)
When we go to the Isle of Skye we drive about 200 miles - that seems a very long way to us although admittedly the roads are not great.
We cannot imagine driving 800 miles in one day!!!!
You must all be exhausted. It really was the best adventure you all had. That and Mango Minster! We loved your method of choosing winners - we wish we had thought of it.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
I'm surprised after a trip like like that you are even writing now! Whew that sounded exhausting. 800 miles in one day! Almost in 2 accidents. Praise God you made it safely home. Glad you are back. sandie
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